Jen Chandler, The Mysteries of Death and Life

Born and raised in the deep, dirty South,
Jen Chandler cut her story-telling teeth in the old folktales of
Appalachia. She grew up chasing ghosts and gods, devouring the myths and
legends of Egypt, Greece, Ireland and the British Isles. Now happily
ensconced beneath the moss laden oaks of Savannah, GA, Jen delights in
rummaging into the dark corners of stories, re-imaging mythology and
collecting ghosts, goblins, and other strange things that tap at the
back door of her imagination. When not writing, Jen can be found
drinking copious amounts of tea, designing and stitching fabric
patterns, studying folk herbalism, and re-reading old copies of British
Country Living with frightening regularity. She may or may not be
addicted to gummy candy.
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L. Nahay, Breath Between Seconds

L. Nahay is an author of fantasy and an
independent publisher through Midnight Tomorrow Books. She has always
ever written. She is a mom to two monsters, and while she’d love to live
the more wild way most of her characters do, she currently resides in
ColoradoWisconsinChicago Indiana.
For reminders of life outside her stories, she enjoys reading,
creating, camping, hiking, exploring, and time with those monsters of
hers. To date, she has published the first book of her fantasy series
entitled Red Moonglow on Snow, and an urban fantasy short story called The Dryad. She has also recently stepped into the world of Steampunk and bought
herselfthe monsters a telescope. Be forewarned.
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Olga Godim, Captain Bulat

Olga is a writer and journalist from Vancouver, Canada. Both her
children, a son and a daughter, have already flown the nest. To sustain
her nurturing instincts, she now collects toy monkeys. She has over 300
monkey figurines in her collection. As a journalist, Olga writes
personal profiles of the local artists, actors, and musicians. As a
fiction writer, she prefers fantasy. In the past few years, her fantasy
and magic realism short stories have been published in multiple internet
and print magazines. Her book SQUIRREL OF MAGIC is a collection of urban fantasy short stories. Her novels EAGLE EN GARDE and ALMOST ADEPT are parts of her ongoing sword-and-sorcery fantasy series. In 2015, EAGLE EN GARDE won EPIC eBook Award in the Fantasy category.
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Website and Blog | GoodReads | Wattpad | Twitter
Tyrean Martinson, Of Words and Swords

Daydreamer, writer, teacher, believer – Tyrean Martinson lives near the
Puget Sound with her husband and daughters. With her B.A. in Ed. and
English, she teaches writing classes to home-school teens and she writes
speculative, contemporary, poetry, experimental hint fiction, and
writing books.
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Blog | Twitter | Facebook
Elizabeth Seckman, Mind Body Soul

Elizabeth is a multi-published author of
women’s fiction and romance. The mother of four boys, five if you count
their father, she needs all the fantasy girl time she can get. A
graduate of Marshall University, she is a licensed social worker who
spent years working with at-risk teens. She is a member of WV Writers
Association and an active blogger.
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Blog | Facebook | Really Real Housewives
Renee Cheung, Memoirs of a Forgotten Knight

Renee uses her years of experience as a developer to write about the
what-ifs of magic and technology. When she is not suspiciously peering
at her computer in between her writing, she can be found roaming the
streets with her family or gaming (whether it’s video games, board games
or table-top RPGs) with her similar-minded friends.
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Web | Blog | Twitter | Facebook
Roland Yeomans, Sometimes They Come Back

Roland Yeomans has been a teacher, counselor, and book store owner.
Everything but a pirate. Oh, wait, he was even that as he once worked at
a tax preparation firm. He now is a rare blood courier day and night.
And instead of sleeping, he writes.
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Yvonne Ventresca, The Art of Remaining Bitter

In addition to contributing short stories to anthologies, Yvonne
Ventresca is the author of two young adult novels and two nonfiction
books for teens. BLACK FLOWERS, WHITE LIES was published by Sky Pony
Press in October 2016. Her debut YA novel, PANDEMIC, won a 2015 Crystal
Kite Award from the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.
Yvonne’s other works include the short story “Escape to Orange
Blossom,” which was selected for the dystopian anthology PREP FOR DOOM,
along with two nonfiction books, PUBLISHING (Careers for the 21st
Century) and AVRIL LAVIGNE (People in the News). Yvonne blogs regularly
about creativity and writing-related resources.
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Web | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram
Sarah Foster, The Last Dragon

Sarah Foster is a blogger and an aspiring novelist and poet. She lives
with her stand-up comedian husband and an overweight cat in a studio
apartment above a movie theater just south of Boston, Massachusetts.
When she’s not obsessing over Broadway musicals or baking cupcakes, she
is usually working on finishing—and hopefully someday publishing—her
debut novel. You can read about her writing adventures (and the
love/hate relationships with her characters) on her blog, The Faux
Fountain Pen.
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Ellen Jacobson, The Silvering
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Erika Beebe, The Wheat Witch

Writer, author, dreamer, she envisions the possibilities in life and
writes to bring hope when sometimes the moment doesn’t always feel that
way. Working in the field of public relations and communications for
more than fifteen years, she has always been involved with writing,
editing, and engaging others in public speaking. In 2013, her first
short story “Stage Fright” published in One More Day anthology. Her two young children help keep her creativity alive and the feeling of play in the forefront of her mind.
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Sean McLachlan, The Witch Bottle

Sean McLachlan is a former archaeologist who worked for many years on
excavations in the Middle East, Europe, and the United States. Now a
full-time writer, he has written numerous novels and is working on three
series: Toxic World (post-apocalyptic), House Divided (Civil War
horror), Trench Raiders (WWI action), plus many standalone titles. His
newsletter, Sean’s Travels and Tales, comes out every two months or so and includes a travel article, a short story, and a coupon for a free or discounted book.
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